Maile Anywere
All your emails
One site, Anywhere, Protected, Blazing fast

An email web client

Fast web email client with fully Gmail, Outlook
and other services integration.

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Help us to change the world of email

What is Maile?

Maile is a full featured modern email client with a intuitive and easy to use interface, but completely developed with web technology. With Maile, accessing your emails of all accounts you want only requires an HTML5 web browser. It does not require installing any software locally, which guarantees easy and global access.

Maile App on iPad

The modern email client, redesigned for web.

Maile incorporates in a single place accessible from a web browser all the tools for your daily work. Inspired by massive email applications, Maile offers an easy, fast and global solution.

Explore Maile

Works with Gmail, Exchange, Google Apps, Yahoo, Outlook, iCloud and all IMAP accounts

Works with Gmail Works with Exchange Works with Yahoo Mail Works with Google APPS Works with Outlook Works with iCloud

A new concept of email management

  • One site

    If you have more than one mail account, you can browse all accounts simultaneously, without having to constantly switch applications. For example, if you have one Google Account for personal use and an Outlook 365 Account for business, you can easily read new mails of both within the same web browser using the unified view.

  • Anywhere

    With Maile, users can check their email from home, work or any site you can imagine with complete freedom of platform or device, and doesn't have to install an email application for each device. Mobility is a need that Maile resolves naturally. Maile only requires a HTML5 web browser to work.

  • Protected

    All emails are secured automatically with RSA-2048 encryption. This means even we cannot decrypt and read your emails, only the owner of the email account and the recipients can read the messages. As a result, your encrypted emails cannot be shared with third parties. Your privacy comes first.

  • Blazing fast

    Thanks to its new architecture and its high performance HTML5 web client, you can obtain an unbeatable experience. It's performance is so good that it improves the user experience even on older computers. It is essentially an email client software, but completely developed with modern web technology.

Take a tour of how Maile empowers users to be more productive

Share email accounts

Share your email accounts with whoever you want and forget password sharing. Ideal for shared mail accounts in the company, like info.

Multi email account

If you have more than one mail account, you can browse all accounts simultaneously, without having to constantly switch applications.

Postpone emails

Focus on what’s important and remain distraction-free. Schedule messages that you don’t need right now to pop back into your inbox for when you do.

Quick Replies

Lets you reply to a message with a few clicks, perfect for short and snappy responses like "Thanks!"

Unified inbox

Group all email accounts in one with unified Inbox. No more switching bettwen differents email accounts.

Inline actions

Use the in-line action bar to take quick actions like moving an email to trash or mark it as SPAM.

Let's talk about the price...

Communication is the heart of every family, business, project... It’s what connects people to create and give value to our lives. That's why we decided to give this project totally FREE.

All features included
Community support

It's really


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